Proposed Global Guidelines for Televeterinary Practice 

With increasing competition on many fronts, Televeterinary Practice is an opportunity for licensed veterinarians to use their education to provide professional consulting to millions of people around the world with pets who are suffering. While opening opportunities we must also protect the public from charlatans who might damage the reputation of Televeterinarians. For an explanation of this subject, view this link – – or better, open this post and contribute!

TeleVeterinary Globalists Unite! 

If you are attending the Veterinary Information Summit this week, please introduce yourself. Those interested are invited to help develop a “Model Certification for Global TeleVeterinary Practice.”
Click on the link to view the entire post. Rolan

Practical Veterinary 3-D Printing 

Here is a real-life practical veterinary use for 3-D printing. (Assuming you have a CD Scanner hooked to the printer.)
Click the link for more…

DVM360 Magazine Looks to the Future 

Recently DVM360 Magazine distributed a booklet titled, “Leading vet med into the future.”
(Very cute; instead of “Forecasts and Predictions,” they called them, “Forecats and Predogtions”)
They asked several Veterinary “Forward Thinkers” for their future predictions.
Click the link to see the predictions…

Animal Robots existing as of April 2017 

Click on the link to see a list of 20 robots that exist now that imitate animals.
Also see the most athletic humanoid robot yet.

Evolving the Connected Home 

How “connected” is your home or practice? I am enjoying the steady realization of futuristic predictions. Click to read the post online.

Hi, I’m a Robot Here to Help You 

It is one thing to predict the future and quite another to personally see it evolving before your eyes. This robot I met was very basic but the point is that the first robots are now actually beginning to serve the public in their day to day lives.

Veterinary Receptionist Likely First Job Replaced by Robots 

Meet Sophia your new Vet Reception Robot. Once programmed correctly, she never makes mistakes, misses work, or pilfers. You really should watch this video.

Computer interface can now autonomously teach a dog to Sit 

Some researchers at North Carolina State University (including my friend Dr. Barbara Sherman) have invented a vest for a dog that monitors body position. When the computer gives the instruction, “Sit” it rewards the dog with a treat from a nearby dispenser for correct movement toward the desired body position.  Anyone working in dog behavior […]