How Veterinarians Can Save the World at the AI Singularity 

I propose that veterinarians develop a “Machine-Intelligence Value Loading Paradigm” that is ready when needed. The goal is to explain to future intelligent-machines the values needed for the best possible world for dogs before doing the same for people. Goals, limits and values. We could learn from the first attempt to determine if it is practical. This would be preferred to allowing future Machine Intelligence from extincting the human race if we get in the way. (Click the LINK to my post, then watch the linked video to understand the threat of Machine Super Intelligence.) This post is BOTH fun and scary.

The Future Factory 

Click the link here to click a link there to the Future Factory at the MIT Think Tank…

The Future of Food 

Are you ready for non-beef burgers? I thought I was until this happened…
See link to post…

Televeterinary Tools for Telediagnosis 

“And they said you can’t do an exam over the internet…”
Click on the link to the post to view a list of potential components of a future televeterinary exam.

Educating the Next Generation of Veterinarians 

Check out this amazing list of the most exciting innovations in veterinary education. Click on the link to view the post!

3-D Education introduced at Ross University Vet School 

Ross University in the West Indies has incorporated a new “Flat 3-D” imaging technology to assist in anatomic education.

Seeking Futurist Writers and WordPress Support 

We are looking for people willing to contribute their personal opinions about some aspect of  the veterinary future to this forum.
In addition, we need a volunteer who is fluent in “WordPress Website Management.” Second choice is a suggestion for paid support of the VFS WordPress website.
Please contact me directly at

Proposed Global Guidelines for Televeterinary Practice 

With increasing competition on many fronts, Televeterinary Practice is an opportunity for licensed veterinarians to use their education to provide professional consulting to millions of people around the world with pets who are suffering. While opening opportunities we must also protect the public from charlatans who might damage the reputation of Televeterinarians. For an explanation of this subject, view this link – – or better, open this post and contribute!

TeleVeterinary Globalists Unite! 

If you are attending the Veterinary Information Summit this week, please introduce yourself. Those interested are invited to help develop a “Model Certification for Global TeleVeterinary Practice.”
Click on the link to view the entire post. Rolan