The Future Revealed at the Western Veterinary Conference

I love Las Vegas but never gamble.  I go there for the Western Veterinary Conference (WVC) and stay for concerts and other shows.  This year the WVC-2023 revealed facets of the future.

First, I liked the (Veterinary Specialist Consultation) online network so much, I joined on the spot.  The team they have assembled is impressive and now available by subscription to any DVM or practice for a quick consult on how to raise your standard of care.

I found the GADA (Generic Animal Drug Alliance) interesting.  Regulating generics to be as effective as legend drugs has pros and cons, but overall seems to bode well for the future of veterinary drug use, especially now there’s an international precedent to allow prescription based on telemedicine alone.

I was introduced to AVA who is the first digital mind robot based on a GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) like ChatGPT.  I hope she makes friends with Alexa, Siri, and Hey Google to take over the mundane repetitive aspects of veterinary client communication and practice.

The WVC leadership impressed me.  Chief Medical Officer Anthony Pease, DACVR is closely following the future of AI, e.g. in radiology image recognition.  His investment in the future also shows in his WVC Program Director recruitment of rising star Jaime Perkins, DVM, previously of the Center for Innovation in Veterinary Education.  Between them, they plan to introduce “Veterinary Gamification” to the WVC to encourage social networking and to put more fun in functional education.


PS: Another veterinary revolution is coming… Gamification!

According to doctors who play video games
are more likely to perform successful surgery.

About Author: rtripp
Founder of Veterinary Future Society

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